Milk Paint
Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint
"Milk Paint is made from 100% natural ingredients. It’s a powdered, no VOC’s product that can be traced back all the way to ancient carvings and art. It is safe for children’s furniture, painting projects indoors and use during pregnancy. It is made of only five natural ingredients – clay, limestone, chalk, casein (milk protein) and iron oxides for pigments."
Milk Paint
Harley Farms FarmPaint
"Ingredients: calcium carbonate, flax seed oil, water, milk protein (casein), goat milk soap, pigment, salt"
Paint Made From Milk
Richeson Casein
Casein (kay'seen) is a quick-drying, aqueous medium using a milk-based binding agent, and is one of the most durable mediums known to man. Nine thousand year old casein cave paintings have been discovered in Asia, and later, the medium was used by Byzantine, Roman and Renaissance artists including the Old Masters."
Paint Made From Milk
Porters Paints
"Porter's Milk Paint is a traditional finish, first used in the 18th and 19th centuries on Shaker furniture. Milk Paint has a rustic, chalky appearance that delivers beachside style or country charm, instantly softening and ageing the look of new furniture and complimenting old. It is made from milk by-products mixed with powdered oxide pigment to produce subtle, mellow colours."
Milk Paint
Porter's Paint Milk Paint
"Porter's Milk Paint is a traditional finish, first used in the 18th and 19th centuries on Shaker furniture. Milk Paint has a rustic, chalky appearance that delivers beachside style or country charm, instantly softening and ageing the look of new furniture and complimenting old. It is made from milk by-products mixed with powdered oxide pigment to produce subtle, mellow colours."
Milk Paint
The Original Milk Paint Co
Milk Paint is a traditional, long-lasting paint made from milk casein, clay, earth pigments and lime. It is a natural, non-toxic product that bonds with hard porous surfaces, such as sanded wood, by way of a naturally forming resin, called calcium caseinate."
Paint Made From Milk
Milk Paint
"As in originally produced home-made milk paint, we use milk protein, lime, clay, and earth pigments such as ochre, umber, iron oxide, lampblack, etc. The lime is alkaline but becomes totally inert when mixed with the slightly acid milk. We use no lead, no chemical preservatives, no fungicides. Milk paint contains no hydrocarbons or any other petroleum
Paint Made From Milk
Real Milk Paint
"Milk paint, a non toxic paint, was originally made from all organic raw materials, curdled milk, lime, and pigment. Black pigment may have been derived from coal, soot, or charcoal. Red color comes from the earth's crust or a crushed brick. Yellow Ochre harvested from the earth. Our pigments today are harvested in the traditional manner and are completely safe, eco-friendly, non-toxic, lead free and not radioactive."
Home Improvement Items That Contain Milk
Paint Made From Nuts
Paint Made From Eggs
Article From an Artist
Casein Experiment
From Avoiding Milk Protein:
Non Food Items With Milk
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