Water Cleaning
Nanostruck Provides Clean Water Via Shrimp Filtration
A group of researchers at the Mississauga tech firm Nanostruck, located at the north end of the city, have found that shrimp, in addition to being a
delightful appetizer, are fantastic water filtration devices. The team has pioneered a “molecular sponge” based on the compounds found in the
shells of crustaceans such as shrimp and lobster and have used this “sponge” to filter dirty industrial water into a viable water source.
Water Cleaning
Shrimp shells are the salvation for the UAE’s water sources (article)
The country’s aquaculture sector – artificial farms for shrimp and open-sea fishing – is a critical part of the economy, food security and future
progress of the country. Using the waste from shrimp production to develop a much-needed source of pollution removal can turn a waste product into a wealth source.
Storm Water Cleaning
Natural Site Solutions
Natural Site Solutions is the developer and master distributor for Storm-Klear Gel-Floc(tm)and Storm-Klear Liqui-Floc(tm), stormwater flocculants
made from chitosan. Chitosan is a natural substance derived from waste crab and shrimp shells. Storm-Klear(tm) products are completely organic and biodegradable, and able to treat turbid water using very low dose rates.
Water Cleaning
Chitosan Flack
ChitoVan Chitosan Flake is a high quality industrial grade chitosan suitable for water clarification, metals adsorption, oil and grease emulsification, seed coatings, food waste binding, etc. It is an off white, opaque, solid flake material derived from crab and shrimp shell.
Pool Water Cleaner
Sea Klear
"SeaKlear Natural Clarifier was the first product on the market to contain chitosan, made from recycled crab shells vs. synthetic chemicals.
The SeaKlear brand was the first in the U.S. to launch a phosphate removal product and educate the industry on the importance of managing phosphates in pool water."
Shrimp in First Aid Supplies
From Avoiding Milk Protein
Non Food Items That Have Fish and Other Seafish in Them
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